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Computing a logarithm or sqrt

The XS1 has an instruction to count the number of leading zeroes of a bit pattern, clz(). This function can be used to efficiently estimate the logarithm of a number. Assuming x0, then:


This logarithm can be used as a first estimate for a square root, since:

x=x 1 2=2 log2x 2

This is all implemented using shift operations:

sqrtx = 1 << ((31-clz(x))>>1);

This estimate can be improved iteratively using the Newton-Raphson algorithm. Since the first bit is of the square root is already correct, only 3 or 4 iterations will produce an accurate square root:

int sqrt(int x) {
  int d, root = 1 << ((31-clz(x))>>1);
  do {
    d = (root*root - x)/(2*root);
    root = root - d;
  } while (d > 1 || d < -1);
  return root;

See Hacker’s delight [warrenjr] and Paul Hsieh’s website [sqrt-hsieh] for an in-depth discussion and better methods.

[sqrt-hsieh]Paul Hsieh, http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/sqroot.html