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Using multiple threads for super linear speedup

In programs there are often two functions calling each other where the calling function is producing data, and the called function is storing the data. By using two threads you can more than double the speed of the code. This is due to each thread having access to a set of registers to hold data, and because two threads eliminate the overhead caused by function calls.

Code structure

As an example, we use JPEG encoding where discretised DCT parameters are stored as a string of bits, and runs of ‘0’ values are run length encoded. The two functions are doing the encoding and the bit shuffling/storing. The code is based on source code from libjpeg by Thomas G Lane et al.

The program comprises two functions, encode and emit_bits, encode makes repeated calls to emit_bits. The trick is that the latter function requires some persistent state. This state can be stored in one of three places:

  • It can be stored in a structure that is passed to emit_bits on every call (an object oriented way of programming)
  • It can be stored in a structure that is a persistent variable inside emit_bits (traditional procedural programming style)
  • It can be stored in a thread that runs emit_bits (a concurrent programming style)

The three programs are shown at the end


The execution times are as follows (measured on a 400 Mhz XCore, compiled with -O2 and array bound checks switched off):

Version Programming style Time in us
encode_oo Object Oriented 51.21
encode_p Procedural style 51.12
encode_c Concurrent style 16.08

Note that the concurrent version runs more than three times faster, using only two threads. The extra factor 1.5 speed-up is due to two factors:

1. Foremost, the program has access to twice the number of register variables. This means that all variables are kept in registers. In particular, the state used by emit_bits is kept in registers.

2. Second, Function calls are avoided, avoiding the need to save registers, and create parameter lists. This can be resolved by inlining functions, but in addition to a code bloat emit_bits is called three times), it also leads to registers being spilled to the stack.

Code listings for threads

All three code segments assume the following global definitions:

struct pers {
    int current;
    int length;
    int ncodes;
    int codes[512];

int ehufco[256], ehufsi[256];

The program written in an object-oriented style:

void emit_bits_oo(struct pers &state,int code,int length) {
    state.length += length;
    if (state.length > 32) {
        int t;
        state.length -= 32;
        t = state.current << (length - state.length);
        t |= code >> state.length;
        state.codes[state.ncodes] = t;
        state.current = code;
    } else {
        state.current <<= length;
        state.current |= code;

void encode_oo(int block[64]) {
    int temp, i, k, temp2, nbits;
    int r = 0;
    struct pers state; state.ncodes = state.length = 0;
    for (k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
        if ((temp = block[k]) == 0) {
        } else {
            while (r > 15) {
                r -= 16;
            temp2 = temp;
            if (temp < 0) {
                temp = -temp;
            nbits = 32-clz(temp);
            i = (r << 4) + nbits;
            emit_bits_oo(state, ehufco[i], ehufsi[i]);
            emit_bits_oo(state, (unsigned int) temp2, nbits);
            r = 0;

The program written in a procedural style:

void emit_bits_p(int code, int length) {
    static struct pers state;
    state.length += length;
    if (state.length > 32) {
        int t;
        state.length -= 32;
        t = state.current << (length - state.length);
        t |= code >> state.length;
        state.codes[state.ncodes] = t;
        state.current = code;
    } else {
        state.current <<= length;
        state.current |= code;

void encode_p(int block[64]) {
    int temp, i, k, temp2, nbits;
    int r = 0;

    for (k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
        if ((temp = block[k]) == 0) {
        } else {
            while (r > 15) {
                emit_bits_p(ehufco[0xF0], ehufsi[0xF0]);
                r -= 16;
            temp2 = temp;
            if (temp < 0) {
                temp = -temp;
            nbits = 32-clz(temp);
            i = (r << 4) + nbits;
            emit_bits_p(ehufco[i], ehufsi[i]);
            emit_bits_p((unsigned int) temp2, nbits);
            r = 0;

The program written in a concurrent style:

void emit_bits_c(streaming chanend inp) {
  int code, length, state_current;
  int state_length = 0, state_ncodes = 0, state_codes[512];
  while(1) {
    inp :> code;   inp :> length;
    state_length += length;
    if (state_length > 32) {
        int t;
        state_length -= 32;
        t = state_current << (length - state_length);
        t |= code >> state_length;
        state_codes[state_ncodes] = t;
        state_current = code;
    } else {
        state_current <<= length;
        state_current |= code;

void encode_c(streaming chanend outp, int block[64]) {
    int temp, i, k, temp2, nbits;
    int r = 0;

    for (k = 0; k < 64; k++) {
        if ((temp = block[k]) == 0) {
        } else {
            while (r > 15) {
                outp <: ehufco[0xF0]; outp <: ehufsi[0xF0];
                r -= 16;
            temp2 = temp;
            if (temp < 0) {
                temp = -temp;
            nbits = 32-clz(temp);
            i = (r << 4) + nbits;
            outp <: ehufco[i]; outp <: ehufsi[i];
            outp <: (unsigned int) temp2; outp <: nbits;
            r = 0;