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Performing fixed point arithmetic

The XS1 has a series of instructions to aid in the implementation of fixed point arithmetic. The natively supported format is a 32 bit fixed point number with the binary point in some arbitrary (user defined) place. Both signed and unsigned fixed point numbers are supported.

Single word arithmetic

Single word arithmetic uses a single 32-bit word to represent a number.


Unsigned fixed point numbers are stored as a 32-bit number. The value of the fixed point number is the integer interpretation of the 32-bit value multiplied by an exponent 2e where e is a user-defined fixed number, usually between -32 and 0 inclusive. For example, if e is chosen to be -32, then numbers between 0 and 1 (exclusive) in steps of approximately 2.310 -10 can be stored; and if e is chosen to be -10, then numbers between 0 and 4,194,304 in steps of 0.0009765625 can be represented.

Signed fixed point numbers are stored in two’s complement as a 32-bit number. The value of the fixed point number is the two’s complement interpretation of the bit pattern multiplied by an exponent 2e where e is a user-defined fixed number, usually between -31 and 0 inclusive. For example, if e is chosen to be -31, then numbers between -1 and 1 (exclusive) in steps of approximately 4.610 -10 can be stored; and if e is chosen to be -10, then numbers between -2,097,152 and 2,097,151 in steps of 0.0009765625 can be represented.

We use the notation X.Y to denote the precision, where X is the number of bits before the binary point, and Y is the number of bits after the binary point. Hence, e=-Y, and X+Y=32. For example, the value one is represented in 8.24 by bit pattern 0x01000000, and in 16.16 by bit pattern 0x00010000.

Each variable in a program has at any stage an exponent associated with it. These exponents have to be known to the programmer, but do not have to be the same everywhere. We will give some examples later.


Single length addition and subtraction are performed by integer arithmetic, provided that the exponent on the left and the right operand are identical. If the exponents are different, then operand with the lowest exponent needs to be shifted right prior to the addition, in order to level the exponents. For example, if one number is represented as 8.24 and the other number as 16.16, then the first number must be shifted right 8 places prior to performing the addition or subtraction. Shifting a number right will cause a rounding error, see below on how implement rounding.

A multiplication of two numbers with representations X.Y and P.Q will result in a number with representation X+P.Y+Q; this number will not fit in a 32 bit result. The XS1 can compute the full precision answer using a MACCS instruction, and then allows the programmer to select the part of the word that they are interested in, by slicing the appropriate bits out of the answer.

Where a sequence of multiply accumulate operations is performed, the programmer would normally ensure that all results are represented in the same X+P.Y+Q format, and hence only at the end of the whole sequence are the appropriate bits sliced out of the final answer.

Divisions can be performed by a sequence of two long division instructions, assuming that the sign bit is computed separately.


Rounding is required both after a multiplication, or prior to addition and subtraction of values with different exponents.

The principal of rounding is to increment the final result by one, if the most significant bit that was truncated was 1. This can be implemented efficiently by adding a value prior to truncation. For example, if the last eight bits are going to be thrown away, then adding 0x80 prior to the shift will implement a rounding operation.

In the case of multiplication operations, rounding can be implemented by initialising the accumulator of the MACCS instruction to 0.5 rather than 0. For example, if afterwards the middle 32 bits of two 32-bit words are to be selected, one would set the initial accumulator low word to 0x8000 to implement rounding.

Other rounding methods, such as dithering, can be implemented by initialising the accumulator to a value between 0 and 0xFFFF, with an appropriate PDF. See the chapter on pseudo random numbers.

Overflow and Saturation

Each time that 32 bits are selected from a 64 bit result, an overflow may occur. If overflow should be dealt with, then the high word of the result should be checked for overflow.

An overflow check can be implemented efficiently by checking whether sign extension is a no-op:

overflow = sext(x,24) != x;

If a sext operation changes the number, then the number cannot be represented in the specified number of bits, indicating an overflow condition. For unsigned numbers zext is used.

The only operations that checks on overflow are LADD, LSUB, and LMUL. MACCU and MACCS do not check on overflow. A combination of LADD and MACCU can be used to implement a multiply-accumulate that checks for overflow as follows:

// adds h:l to a*b leaves result in h:l and flags in overflow:
int overflow, x = 0;
{x,l} = mac(a, b, x, l)
asm("ladd %0, %1, %2, %3, %4" : "=r"(overflow), "=r"(h) : "r"(x), "r"(h), "r"(0))

Example code sequence

An example to illustrate formats and conversions is shown below:

int h; unsigned l;
int a = 0x0010000; // 1.0 in 16.16 format
int b = 0x0004000; // 0.25 in 16.16 format
int c = 0x0000100; // 1.0 in 24.8 format
a = a + b;         // a is still in 16.16 format
a = a >> 8;        // a is in 24.8 format
a = a - c;         // a is in 24.8 format
{h,l} = macs(a, b, 0, 0);    // {h,l} is in 40.24 format, ie, l is
                             // in 8.24 and h is in 40.-8
if (sext(h, 8) == h) {
    a = h << 24 | l >> 8; // this is in 16.16 format once again.
if (h > 0) {
    a = 0x7fffffff;
} else {
    a = 0x80000000;

A more realistic example implements a FIR filter as follows:

int fir(int inp[16], int filter[16]) { // 8.24 and 8.24  |filter[x]| < 1
    int h = 0;
    unsigned l = 0x800000;
    for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
        {h,l} = macs(inp[i], filter[i], h, l);
    if (sext(h, 8) == h) {
        return h << 8 | l >> 24;
    if (h > 0) {
        return 0x7fffffff;
    } else {
        return 0x80000000;

This example performs 16 MAC operations followed by a single saturation test. Note that the MAC operations cannot overflow since there is 7 bits of headroom in the filter-array.

Multi-word arithmetic

Values that require a higher precision (64, 96, or more bits) can be represented in multiple words, and operated on by LADD, LMUL, LSUB and LDIV instructions.

The representation can either be signed magnitude, or two’s complement. Signed magnitude is easier for multiplications and divisions, two’s complement is easier for add and subtract.

Assuming unsigned arithmetic (and leaving the signed case to the reader), the code for an addition of a 64-bit number is:

LADD c, f, a, b, 0
LADD c, g, d, e, c

A multiplication of two 64-bit numbers comprises 4 LMUL instructions. Division of a 64-bit number by a 32-bit number comprises three LDIV instructions. More instructions are required if numbers are signed, and if they are represented in two’s complement.

Long shift instructions have to be implemented using shift- and or-instructions:

{int,unsigned} static inline lshl(int h, unsigned l, int n) {
  return { (h << n) | (l >> (32 - n)), l << n };

{int,unsigned} static inline lshr(int h, unsigned l, int n) {
  return { h >> n, (l >> n) | (h << (32 - n)) };

These take six instructions each.