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Stable release:Unreleased
Description:A language and runtime system for dynamic process creation on the XMOS XS1 architecture

sire is a small block-structured, imperative language with features to demonstate a mechanism for distributed and dynamic creation of processes in and over a parallel system. It can be compiled for the XMOS XS1 architecture or a cluster system with support for MPI.

For more information, check out the on-line documentation at

———— Key features ————

To do

  • See TODO.rst.

Known issues

  • See TODO.rst.

Required repositories


  • Python 3.2 (or 3.1 with the argparse module) avilable as python3 in PATH.
  • PLY (Python Lex-Yacc, 3.4+).
  • XMOS development tools (11.2.0+): xcc, xas, xsim, xobjdump and xrun.
  • OpenMPI (v1.4.*): mpicc and mpirun.


Issues may be submitted via the ‘Issues’ tab in this github repository. Response to any issues submitted as at the discretion of the maintainer for this line.