Modbus TCP Component

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Stable release:unreleased
Maintainer:Vinith Mundhra (github: vinithmundhra)
Description:Modbus TCP Component - Server

Firmware Overview

This is a Modbus TCP Server library. Modbus protocol specification and messaging implementation guide can be found here:

A Modbus client (e.g. on a PC) can send ‘requests’ to the Modbus Server running in an Xcore via TCP. The TCP layer accepts this data from the client and passes it over to the modbus_event_handler.

This frame is then processed by modbus_pkt_processing and a response is generated which is carried back to the client via TCP.

Demo Application

A demo application using the SImplyModbus client side software and an XC-2 Ethernet development board is included.


See for design documentation and demo quick start guide.

To Do

  • A single thread variant that can process Modbus requests in parallel to TCP communications.

Required Repositories

  • sc_ethernet git://
  • sc_xtcp git://
  • xcommon


Issues may be submitted via the Issues tab in this github repo. Response to any issues submitted as at the discretion of the manitainer for this line.