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Using FIR filters

TO use a FIR filter you need to (1) compute a set of FIR coefficients and (2) insert these coefficients in the source code and call the FIR function to perform a FIR.

Computing FIR coefficients

The program to compute the filter coefficients is in build_fir_coefficients directory. It accepts the following options:

Option Effect
-low freq Lowpass filter, with given corner freq
-high freq Highpass filter, with given corner freq
-bp freql freqh Bandpass filter, with given frequencies
-bs freql freqh Bandstop filter, with given frequencies
-gaussian Gaussian window
-blackman Blackman window
-hamming Hamming window (default)
-hann Hann window
-n taps Number of taps - should be odd
-fs freq Sample frequency, default 48000
-xc sourceFileName name of source file, default coeffs.xc
-csv csvFileName name of csv file, default response.csv

A single windowing function can be specified, if none is specified a Hamming window is used. The number of taps must be specified and must be odd. The corner frequency defaults to 48 KHz.

One or more of -low, -high, -bp, or -bs must be specified. This creates a single FIR that implements the cascade of filters specified.

The program outputs a source code file that initialises the coefficients table, and a CSV file that contains the response curves.

The program outputs a percentage error, indicating roughly how much of your filter got lost because of limitations in the number of taps and the windowing. If the error is high, you can try and increase the number of taps. Note that low cut-off frequencies (relative to the sample frequency) require a high number of taps.

Calling simple FIR

The function that performs the run time fir is in module_fir. Include the file fir.h and call:

filteredSample = fir(sampleValue, coefficientTable, stateTable, N)

sampleValue should be a 8.24 fixed point number, and the function returns the filtered 8.24 value. CoefficientTable is the name of the array that was produced by the code above, stateTable should be an array of N integers which is initialised to all zeroes prior to the first call to fir, and N is the number of taps (the -n parameter above). The stateTable will contain N old samples.

Calling optimised FIR

The optimised fir also resides in module_fir. There are 5 ways to call this function: running the code inside the current thread, or running it in 1, 2, 3, or 4 separate threads (on the same core so to share the coefficients table).

In 1 to 4 extra threads

Create your coefficient table (N elements), and create four temporary arrays (N/4+12 elements each); N must be a multiple of 48. Now create a process as follows:

par {
   fir_par4_48(coeffs, N, cin, data0, data1, data2, data3);

cin should be a streaming channel. Each sample to be filtered should be output onto this channel as a signed integer. Once a sample has been output, the filtered value should be input on the channel as a long long; which is the 64 bit result.

In order to use three threads, call the function fir_par3_36 and pass one array less; make sure that all arrays have at least N/3+12 elements.

In order to use two threads, call the function fir_par2_24 and pass two temporary arrays only; make sure that they have at least N/2+12 elements.

In order to use one thread, call the function fir_par1_12 and pass one temporary array only which must have N+12 elements.

Inside the current thread

Call the function:

fir12(coefficients, data, w, N);

With your coefficients, the data, N elements, and an index w indicating the index of the most recent sample in the data array. data[w] should be the most recent sample, data[w+1] should be the previous sample, etc. Note that data should be N+12 samples long, and that data[0..11] should be replicated in data[N..N+11]. See the code in fir_par1_12 for an example how to drive it.