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The biquad library provides a cascade of biquad filters, each performing a specific filter operation. A typical use is to get one filter to perform a low shelf (bass boost), one filter to perform a high shelf gain (treble boost) and a number of filters to boost specific bands. Put in series, this implements a “graphical equaliser”.

In general filters can be static (for example, a low shelf 400 Hz filter at +20dB to create bass boost), or dynamic (for example a low shelf 400 Hz filter at anything between -20 and +20 dB). The current code base assumes that filters are dynamic, and that there is a precomputed table of coefficients for all filter for all possible dB values. This enables the filter to gradually change coefficients when a new dB value is desired. It is simple to remove the code that reacts to responses in the dB value and that just uses a single static dB value for each filter.

The module is optimised for performance, and assumes that there is a series of channels that will all be filtered using the same table of coefficients and dB values, but with separate dB settings for separate channels.

The rest of this section explain the two parts that this module comprises. We first document the way to use the module to filter data, assuming that there is a set of coefficients. In order to compute the coefficients, you can call a provided java program, or you can provide your own coefficients. Note that the number of banks, the number of dB levels, and the representations of the numbers are all compile-time constants.


Configuration Defines

The file coefficients.h must be provided in the application source code. This file must set the following #define s:


This define sets the number of banks on which the cascaded biquad will operate. It is compiled into the binary and is not a parameter. It also governs the size of the biquadState and coefficients defined below.


This define sets the number of dB levels that are provided by the coefficient tables. The dB values supported are entirely up to the user. Whenever a dB value is to be provided (eg, to initBiquads()) then a value in the range [0..DBS-1] is to be provided which is used as a lookup in the coefficients table.


This define sets the number of bits in the fractional part of fixed point numbers used to represent samples and coefficients. the number 1 is represented as 1 << FRACTIONALBITS, -1 is represented as -1 << FRACTIONALBITS.



This structure defines the state that is required to compute a series of biquads on a channel.

It holds both data that is used internally, and data that is accessible to the end user. One of these structures mus be declared for each channel of samples that is to be filtered independently.

Structure Members:

struct oneBank b

data that holds intermediate values for biquad computation.

Internal use only, do not modify

int adjustDelay
until the next time that the db values are to be adjusted. ::
variable that holds the amount of time

Internal use only.

int adjustCounter
filter bank to be adjusted next. ::
variable that holds the index of the

Internal use only.

int desiredDb

variable that holds the dB value for each bank in the filter.

This array can be modified at any time, but changes will only take effect slowly in order to prevent the filter from becoming instable.


This structure holds the coefficient values for one particular filter configuration ,for example the filter settings for a 400 Hz low-shelf filter at -10 dB.

The values stored are fixed point values (as defined by ) and are all normalised against the value of . The five values represent the normal values for a biquad filter (see for example the DSP cookbook), ie, b0 is multiplied by the current sample value and should have been pre-divided by a0.

Structure Members:

int b0

b0/a0 value, in fixed point representation

int b1

b1/a0 value, in fixed point representation

int b2

b2/a0 value, in fixed point representation

int a1

a1/a0 value, in fixed point representation

int a2

a2/a0 value, in fixed point representation

Global constants

extern struct coeff biquads[DBS][BANKS]

This array should hold the values of all coefficients that are to be used. It comprises DBS rows of BANKS columns: each element holds a set of biquad coefficient for one bank for one particular dB setting. The coefficients should not be changed on-the-fly, because that may cause the filters to become unstable. They can be changed safely prior to calling initBiquads().

This module assumes that all channels use the same coefficients, but each channel may have different db Settings per filter. That means, that all channels will use the same number of filters, the same corner frequencies, and the same number of dB levels. Channels can have their own dB setting per filter. Subsequent dB steps shoudl be small (1-2 dB) if audible clicks are to be prevented when changing the filter settings.


void initBiquads(biquadState &state, int zeroDb)

This function must be called prior to using the biquadCascade, for every single channel on which the biquads are to operate.

The state variable is initialised with the value held in zeroDb, which should be an index into the array of coefficients (typically you want it to be the index at the array which holds the coefficient values for 0db).

For example, if you have an array of 11 coefficients which are values from -24db to 6db in steps of 3db, and you have two channels that you both want to initialise at 0db, then you need to declare two variables of type biquadState, and call initBiquads for each of those variables with the value 8 for zeroDb

  • state – variable that holds the state for a channel. This includes previous samples, intermediate results, current db level, and desired db levels.
  • zeroDb – initial index into the coefficient array for all banks for this channel
int biquadCascade(biquadState &state, int xn)

This function performs a series of biquad operations in sequence on a singe sample value, and returns the filtered sample value.

The state variable stores the previous values of the stream and intermediate values in order to implement an IIR filter. The number of banks and the number of possible steps for the filter banks are hard coded in a file called ‘coefficients.h’ and are to be supplied by the user.

  • state – variable that holds the state for a channel. This includes previous samples, intermediate results, current db level, and desired db levels. By changing the value state.desiredDb to a new level, the filter settings can be changed.
  • xn – value to be filtered in fixed point format. Results that do not fit are clipped to the maximum positive and negative values. Input values should nominally be in the range [-1..+1] leaving headroom for intermediate results.

Filtered value in fixed point format.


The coefficients and include file can be generated for you (see the next section), but an example coefficients.h file is:

#define BANKS 2
#define DBS 3

This file states that we want to cascade two biquad filters, each filter has three possible dB settings, and all numbers are represented in 5.27 format; that is, there are 27 bits behind the fixed point, and a sign bit with four bits before the fixed point. Hence, 0x08000000 represents +1 and 0xF7000000 represents -1. Increments of 1 represent increments in 2^-27. The range of numbers that can be represented is [-16..16).

The coefficient array needs to be defined, for example as follows:

struct coeff biquads[DBS][BANKS] = {
    {133860500, -261873323, 128137849, 261857137, -127796807},
    {111128665, -137894758,  50929490, 176727474,  -66673143}
    {134217728, -262224926, 128147672, 262224926, -128147672},
    {134217728, -171749357,  64101347, 171749357,  -64101347}
    {134575909, -262555944, 128137853, 262572173, -128479804},
    {162103977, -213445919,  80525738, 166544979,  -61511046}

The first number, 133860500, represents 0.997338443994522, and is the value of b1/a0 for filter bank 0 db setting 0. Each row represents one of three possible dB settings. In this example, we have chosen the dB settings -2 dB, 0 dB, and +2 dB.

To filter two channels we declare two state variables that are both initialised to use the middle dB index (1) which represents 0 dB:

biquadState leftState, rightState;

initBiquads(leftState, 1);
initBiquads(rightState, 1);

After this samples can be filtered by calling biquadCascade():

filteredLeftSample = biquadCascade(leftState, leftSample);
filteredRightSample = biquadCascade(rightState, rightSample);

To change the left filter bank to use a dB index of 2 for bank 0, set the desiredDb value as follows:

leftState.desiredDb[0] = 2;

This will take effect over a period of time.

Computing Biquad coefficients

Computing biquad coefficients is an science, and coefficients are the special sauce that many designers add. This module provides a java program that uses a public domain algorithm to compute biquad coefficients. This program is in the build_biquad_coefficients directory. It accepts the following options:

Option Effect
-low freq Low shelf filter, with given corner freq
-high freq High shelf filter, with given corner freq
-peaking freq bw PeakingEQ filter, with given corner freq and bandwidth in octaves
-bits fractionalBits number of fractional bits, default 24
-min minDb minimal dB value, default -20
-max maxDb maximal dB value, default +20
-step dbStep dBs between each step, default 1
-fs freq Sample frequency, default 48000
-h includeFileName name of include file, default coeffs.h
-xc sourceFileName name of source file, default coeffs.xc
-csv csvFileName name of csv file, default response.csv

At least one of -low, -high, -bp, or -bs must be specified. The program builds both the coeffs.h file that defines the number of banks, db levels, and precision, and a coeffs.xc file that contains the coefficients array biquads. For each filter (-low, -high, -peaking) the program generates a set of coefficients for each dB gain level, from min to max in the given number of steps. It can, for example, be invoked as follows:

-min -20 -max 20 -step 4 -low 250 -high 4000

This generates a table with 11 Db values (-20, -16, -12, -8, -4, 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20) and two filters. Filter 0 is a low frequency filter with a corner frequency of 250 Hz, the latter is a high frequency filter with a corner frequency of 4000 Hz, assuming a 48 KHz sample frequency. All coefficients will be represented in the default 8.24 representation.

The program also generates a CSV file that contains the response curves. The curves are calculated using maths from http://groups.google.com/group/comp.dsp/browse_frm/thread/8c0fa8d396aeb444/a1bc5b63ac56b686