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Setting up the dependencies

Python 3 (including the argparse module)

Download and install the latest release of Python 3 (http://www.python.org/download/). This should then be available on the PATH as ‘python3’. To do this append /python3/install/path/bin to PATH, for example:

export PATH=/python3/install/path/bin:$PATH

The argparse module is included as part of the standard library from version 3.2+. For older versions, this will need to be installed manually.

PLY (Python Lex-Yacc)

Download and install the latest version of PLY (http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/). You can copy the lexer.py and parser.py files into tool_sire/compiler/ply or install PLY using distutils:

cd ply-3.4
python3 setup.py install

XMOS development tools

Download and install the latest version of the XMOS development tools (https://www.xmos.com/products/development-tools). To make them accessible from the command line you then need to run:

source SetEnv

from XMOS/DevelopmentTools/11.2.0/ or copy the contents into your .bashrc and change installpath to the installation path.




To build the documentation you will need the xcore/xdoc repository in the same directory as the sire repository:

git clone https://github.com/xcore/xdoc.git

You can then build the HTML and PDF targets by running make in the root directory.

Setting up sire

Once the dependencies are satisfied, the sire compiler can be setup by adding SIRE_INSTALL_PATH to your environment and PATH by adding the following to your .bashrc file, for example:

export SIRE_INSTALL_PATH=/path/to/sire

Getting started

Compile and simulate ‘hello world’:

$ echo 'proc main() is printstrln("hello world")' | sire
$ xsim a.xe
hello world

Display help to view available command line options:

$ sire -h
usage: sire [-h] [-o <file>] [-n <n>] [-v] [-e] [-r] [-s] [-a] [-p] [-t] [-c]

sire compiler

positional arguments:
  <input-file>          input filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o <file>             output filename
  -n <n>, --numcores <n>
                        number of cores
  -v, --verbose         display status messages
  -e, --display-calls   display external commands invoked
  -r, --parse           parse the input file and quit
  -s, --sem             perform semantic analysis and quit
  -a, --display-ast     display the AST and quit
  -p, --pprint-ast      pretty-print the AST and quit
  -t, --translate       translate but do not compile
  -c, --compile         compile but do not assemble and link
  -d, --devices         display available devices

Useful options

Display the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST):

$ echo 'proc main() is printstrln("hello world")' | sire -a
    Def(_main, Type(proc, procedure))
            ElemString("hello world")

Display a pretty-printed AST, and compile it:

$ echo 'proc main() is printstrln("hello world")' | sire -p

proc main() is
  printstrln("hello world")

$ echo 'proc main() is printstrln("hello world")' | sire -p | sire

Perform XC-translation only:

$ echo 'proc main() is printstrln("hello world")' | sire -t
$ cat a.xc
#include <xs1.h>
#include <print.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include "globals.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "guest.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "language.h"

#pragma unsafe arrays
void _main()
    printstrln("hello world");

Compile with verbose messages:

$ echo 'proc main() is printstrln("hello world")' | sire -v
Parsing file 'stdin'
Performing semantic analysis
Performing child analysis
Translating AST
[Building an executable for 1 cores]
Creating device header device.h
Compiling program.xc -> program.S
Modifying assembly output
  Extracting constants
  Inserting function labels
  Inserting frame sizes
  Rewriting calls
Assembling program.S -> program.o
Assembling constpool.S -> constpool.o
Building master jump table
Assembling masterjumptab.S -> masterjumptab.o
Building master size table
Building master frame table
Assembling mastertables.S -> mastertables.o
Compiling runtime:
  guest.xc -> guest.xc.o
  host.S -> host.S.o
  host.xc -> host.xc.o
  master.S -> master.S.o
  master.xc -> master.xc.o
  slave.S -> slave.S.o
  slave.xc -> slave.xc.o
  slavetables.S -> slavetables.S.o
  system.S -> system.S.o
  system.xc -> system.xc.o
  util.xc -> util.xc.o
  memory.c -> memory.c.o
Linking master -> master.xe
Linking slave -> slave.xe
Replacing master image in node 0, core 0
Cleaning up
Produced file: a.xe