
Example Applications

This section discusses the demonstration application that uses Multi-UART component.

app_slicekit_com_demo Application

This application is available as app_slicekit_com_demo under sc_multi_uart component directory.

Required Software Tools

Following tools may be installed on the host system in order to use the demo application

Build options

This demo application is built by default for XP-SKC-L2 Slicekit Core board, SQAURE connector type. This application can also be built for other compatible connectors as follows:

To build for STAR connector, make the following changes:

File Original Value New Value
src/main.xc #define SK_MULTI_UART_SLOT_SQUARE 1 #define SK_MULTI_UART_SLOT_STAR 1

To build for TRIANGLE connector, make the following changes:

File Original Value New Value

Multi-UART component requires 8-bit ports for both UART transmit and UART receive ports.

XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card has two types of voltage levels of communications.
  • RS-232

By default, this Slice Card uses the RS-232 levels. In order to use the CMOS TTL levels, short J3 pins (25-26) of the Slice Card. At a time, only one voltage level type can be used for all 8 UART channels (RS-232 or CMOS TTL). When using the RS-232 levels, UART device pins must be connected to J4 of XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card. When using TTL levels, UART device pins must be connected to J3 of Multi-UART Slice Card (along with J3 25-26 pins shorted). UART information of XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card is as follows:

XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card for Demo Applications

UART Identifier J3/J4 Pin no.(TX) J3/J4 Pin no.(RX)
0 1 2
1 5 6
2 7 8
3 11 12
4 13 14
5 17 18
6 19 20
7 23 24

app_slicekit_com_demo application use the following components in order to achive its desired functionality.

  • sc_multi_uart: utilizes TX and RX servers provided by the component
  • sc_util: uses module_xc_ptr functions to perform pointer related arithmetic such as reading from and writing into memory

Application Configuration

app_slicekit_com_demo application configuration is done utilising the defines listed out below:

/* Define number of UARTs to be configured */
#define UART_APP_TX_CHAN_COUNT		8 // Must be Same as UART_TX_CHAN_COUNT
/* Length of application buffer to hold received UART data */
#define RX_CHANNEL_FIFO_LEN			256

Application Description

The demonstration application shows a typical structure of an application that might be implemented by the user of sc_multi_uart component.

In addition to the two Multi-UART threads used by sc_multi_uart component, application utilises one more thread to manage UART data from transmit and receive threads.

UART data received can be typically user commands to perform various user actions or UART data received can be transaction data related to a user action (see Usage Options).

Application operates on a state machine to differentiate between user commands and user data. Application provides some buffers to hold data received from UARTs. When the RX thread receives a character over the UART it saves it into the local buffer. A state handler operates on the received data to identify its type and performs relevant actions .

Generally, the data token received by RX buffering thread tells which UART channel a character has been received on. The thread then grabs this character out of the buffer slot, validates it utilising the provided validation function and inserts it into a larger, more comprehensive buffer.The RX buffering is implemented as an example only and may not be necessary for other applications. TX thread already provides some buffering supported at the component level.

TX handler operates by polling the buffer which is filled by Rx handler. When an entry is seen, Tx handler pulls it from the buffer and perform an action based on current state of the handler.

The channel for TX thread is primarily used for reconfiguration. This is discussed in more detail in Reconfiguration of RX & TX Server. Specific usage of the API is also discussed in Interfacing to the TX Server and Interfacing to the RX Server.

Getting Started

This section describes how to use the demo application with Slicekit hardware.

  1. Connect XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card to the XA-SK-UART8 Slicekit Core board. This Slice Card can be connected to either Square, Tringle or Star connector of Slicekit Core board as discussed in Build options
  2. Connect COM port cable (provided with XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card package) to DB-9 connector on XA-SK-UART8 Slice Card. This enables UART 0 by default
  3. Connect other end of cable to Host (PC) DB-9 connector slot
  4. Identify COM port number provided by the Host and open a suitable terminal software for the selected COM port (see Required Software Tools) for default parameters which are as follows: 115200 baud, 8 bit character length, even parity config, 1 stop bit and no hardware flow control
  5. Switch on the power supply to the Slicekit Core board
  6. Upon any key press on console, a user menu is displayed
  7. From there, demo is guided by the selection of respective options, which are described in more detail in Usage Options

Usage Options

User selects one of the following characters in order to use the relevant demo application feature

  • e - in this mode, user entered character is echoed back on the console. In order to come out of this mode, user should press Esc key
  • r - this option can be selected in order to reconfigure UART for a different baud rate
  • g - upload a file via console option; uploaded file should be of size < 1024 characters and crc_appender application should be run prior to file upload (see CRC Calculation Application)
  • p - this option prints previously uploaded file via get option on to the console; at the end, it displays timing consumed (in milli sec) to upload a file and transmit back the same file to console
  • h - displays user menu

At any instance Esc key can be pressed to revert back to user menu.

CRC Calculation Application

For uploading a file via UART console, user can select any file with size is < 1024 bytes. If the file size is greater than this size, only the first 1024 bytes are used. This limitation is primarily due to buffer length constraints of the application, in order to store the received file and send it back when requested.

An application executable crc_appender which is available in test folder should be executed in order to calculate CRC of the selected file. This application appends calculated crc at the end of the file. app_slicekit_com_demo calculates CRC of the received bytes and checks it against the CRC value calculated by crc_appender application. This ensures all the user uploaded data is integrity checked.

Sample Usage:

crc_appender <file_name>

Building Procedure

Following section describes the procedure in order to build the software.


The following components are required to build app_slicekit_com_demo application or develop sample Multi-UART applications:
  • sc_multi_uart: git://github.com/xcore/sc_multi_uart.git
  • sc_util: git://github.com/xcore/sc_util.git
  • xcommon: git://github.com/xcore/xcommon.git (Optional)

Once the zipfiles are downloaded you can install, build and use the software.

Building with the XDE

To install the software, open the XDE (XMOS Development Tools - latest version as of this writing is 11.11.1) and follow these steps:

  1. Choose File > Import.
  2. Choose General > Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next.
  3. Click Browse next to Select archive file and select the file firmware ZIP file.
  4. Make sure the projects you want to import are ticked in the Projects list. Import all the components and whichever applications you are interested in.
  5. Click Finish.

To build, select app_slicekit_com_demo in Project Explorer pane and click the Build icon.

Building from the command line

To build from the command line, change to app_slicekit_com_demo directory and execute the command:

xmake all


The main Makefile for the project is in the application directory. This file specifies build options and used modules. The Makefile uses the common build infrastructure in xcommon. This system includes the source files from the relevant modules and is documented within xcommon.

Installing the application onto flash

Using XDE

To upgrade (or flash) the firmware you must, firstly:

  1. Connect the XTAG Adapter to Slicekit Core board, Chain connector and connect XTAG-2 to the adapter. This XTAG-2 can now be connected to your PC or Mac.
  2. Switch on the power supply to Slicekit Core board
  3. Start the XMOS Development Environment and open a workspace
  4. Choose File > Import > C/XC > C/XC Executable
  5. Click Browse and select the new firmware (XE) file
  6. Click Next and Finish
  7. A Debug Configurations window is displayed. Click Close
  8. Choose Run > Run Configurations
  9. Double-click Flash Programmer to create a new configuration
  10. Browse for the XE file in the Project and C/XC Application boxes
  11. Ensure the XTAG-2 device appears in the adapter list
  12. Click Run

Using Command Line Tools

  1. Open the XMOS command line tools (Desktop Tools Prompt) and execute the following command:

    xflash <binary>.xe