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I2C interface summary

I2C is the Philips 2 wire interface, used to configure many digital chips. I2C software has the following options:

  • Whether we are a master or a slave. Devices that are configured are slaves, the master configures other devices.
  • The speed supported. Normal speeds are 100 Kb/s and 400 Kb/s.
  • Whether there is a single I2C bus or multiple I2C busses.
  • Whether there is a single master or multiple masters.
  • Whether clock stretching is supported.


This module supports single master, at 100 or 400, 1000 kbit/s without clock stretching. If multiple I2C busses are required, they should use the same bit rate.

Functionality provided Resources required Status
Ports Memory
Single master 2 460 bytes Implemented

The interface comprises four functions, init, rx, reg_read, and reg_write that are called when required. No separate thread is required.


This module will support must master, at 100 or 400, 1000 kbit/s with clock stretching on multiple I2C busses. It provides virtually the same interface as module_i2c_simple.2

Functionality provided Resources required Status
Ports Memory
Multi master 2 900 bytes Implemented

The interface comprises four functions, init, rx, reg_read, and reg_write that are called when required. No separate thread is required.


To be provided.


This module supports single master, at 100 or 400, 1000 kbit/s without clock stretching, where both SCL and SDA are shared on a single port (4, 8, 16, or 32 bits wide).

Functionality provided Resources required Status
Ports Memory
Single master 1 360 bytes Implemented

The interface comprises four functions, init, rx, reg_read, and reg_write that are called when required. No separate thread is required.

Note that this module is not extensively tested.


This module will no longer be maintained, and new users are encouraged to use the new interface on module_i2c_simple, module_i2c_master, and/or module_i2c_slave.