
Single threaded MII

The module ‘’module_mii_singlethread’’ provides a component that folds the MII layer into a single thread (62.5 MIPS), and allows all other software to be written in one additional thread if required. It is meant for simple ethernet systems that do not require very high throughput and have relatively straightforward MAC filtering.

The module ‘’module_mii_singlethread_server’’ provides an interace to the single threaded MII driver that presents an interface similar to the 5-thread ethernet MII implementation.

Using single threaded MII

The single threaded MII comprises three basic parts: an LLD (low level driver) that must always run in its own thread, a packet manager that must run on the same core, input access functions that must be called from the same thread, and output access functions that must be called from the same core. It is designed for single-core applications, and uses a dual circular buffer to store incoming packets.


The single threaded MII module requires at least two threads to operate, but more threads can be utilised to increase performance. Three common usage models are sketched below

  1. Two threads: thread one runs the , and thread 2 runs packet management, application level packet handling and application level packet generation.
  2. Three threads: thread one runs the LLD (low level driver), thread 2 runs packet management and application level packet handling, and thread 3 runs application level packet generation.

The thread that performs packet management also performs the MAC filtering. MAC filtering must be completed within 5 us (TBC) otherwise packet loss will occur. If more complexe MAC filtering is required, a proper ethernet module should be used.

Packet storage

Incoming packets are stored in circular buffers, and if those buffers are not emptied in time, packets will be dropped. The circular buffers are strict FIFOs, and it is therefore imperative that the application code does not leave old packets in the buffer - ideally all packets are dealt with in order of arrival, and if some packets cannot be dealt with immediately, they should be copied to out of the packet-store into an application buffer.


void miiBufferInit(struct miiData &this, chanend cIn, chanend cNotifications, int buffer[], int words)

This function gives the MII layer a buffer space to buffer input packets into.

The buffer space must be at least 1520 words, but can be longer to improve performance.

  • this – structure that contains persistent data for this MII connection.
  • cIn – channel that communicates with the low level input MII.
  • cNotifications – channel end that synchronises the interrupt and user layers.
  • buffer – array of words that can be used for buffering.
  • words – number of words in the array.
{unsigned, unsigned, unsigned} e miiGetInBuffer(struct miiData &this)

This function will obtain a buffer from the input queue, or 0 if there is no packet awaiting processing.

When the packet has been processed, freeInBuffer() should be called to free the packet buffer.

  • this – structure that contains persistent data for this MII connection.

The address of the buffer and the number of bytes.

void miiFreeInBuffer(struct miiData &this, int address)

This function is called to informs the input layer that the packet has been processed and that the buffer can be reused.

The address should be the number returned by miiInPacket. Packets should be released in a timly manner, and hte buffers are organised as a strict FIFO, so not processing a packet for a prolonged period of time shall lead to packet loss.

  • this – structure that contains persistent data for this MII connection.
  • address – The address of the buffer to be freed as returned by miiGetInBuffer().
select miiNotified(struct miiData &this, chanend notificationChannel)

This function should be called to block the receiving thread.

This function will return when something interesting has happened at the MII layer, and after its return, miiGetInBuffer can be called to test whether a new packet is available, and miiRestartBuffer() must be called.

Note that this function can be one of the cases in a select statement, enabling the user layer to deal with different event sources in a non-deterministic manner.

  • this – structure that contains persistent data for this MII connection.
  • notificationChannel – A channel-end that synchronises the user layer with the interrupt layer
void miiRestartBuffer(struct miiData &this)

This function must be called every time that miiNotified() has returned and a buffer has been freed.

It is safe to call this function more often, for example, prior to every select statement that contains miiNotified().

void miiOutInit(chanend cOut)

Function that initialises the transmitter of output packets.

To be called with the channel end that is connected to the MII Low-Level Driver.

  • cOut – output channel to the Low-Level Driver.
int miiOutPacket(chanend cOut, int buf[], int index, int length)

Function that will cause a packet to be transmitted.

It must get an array with an index into the array, a length of hte packet (in bytes), and a channel to the low-level driver. The low level driver will append a CRC around the packet. The function returns once the preamble is on the wire. The function miiOutputPacketDone() should be called to syncrhonise with the end of the packet.

  • cOut – output channel to the Low-Level Driver.
  • buf – array that contains the message. Note that this is an array of words, that must contain the data in network order fill it using (buf, unsigned char[]).
  • index – index into the array that contains the first byte.
  • length – length of message in bytes, excluding CRC, which will be added upon transmission.

The time at which the message went onto the wire, measured in reference clock periods

void miiOutPacketDone(chanend cOut)

Select function that must be called after a call to miiOutPacket().

Upon return of this function the packet has been put on the wire in its entirety, and the interframe gap has expired - the next call to miiOutPacket can be made without blocking. The function can be called in one of two ways: either as an ordinary function, or as a case in a select statement as in “case miiOutPacketDone(cOut);”.

  • cOut – output channel to the Low-Level Driver.

Management API

In addition to the operational functions listed above, the SMI and OTP functions from the 5-thread ethernet are available for initialization and MAC address retreival.

The OTP functions have a modified signature, taking a structure containing the OTP ports, rather than having each port as an individual parameter.

Example minimal programs

The minimum two-threaded program is given below:

void pingDemo(chanend cIn, chanend cOut, chanend cNotifications) {
    int b[3200];
    miiBufferInit(cIn, cNotifications, b, 3200);
    while (1) {
        int nBytes, a;
        {a,nBytes} = miiGetInBuffer();
        while(a != 0) {
            handlePacket(cOut, a, nBytes);
            {a,nBytes} = miiGetInBuffer();

The function handlePacket will inspect the packet of length nBytes at address a in memory, and deal with it, possibly generating other packets using the output interface:

int txbuf[100], nBytes;
// build packet of length nBytes in txbuf
miiOutPacket(cOut, txbuf, 0, nBytes);

Note that both miiOutPacketDone() and miiNotified() can be placed inside a select statement, enabling a single select to serve input requests, output requests, and, for example, time-outs or communication with another thread.

Internal details on single threaded MII

LLD: MII RX/TX principles

The LLD thread runs code that outputs packets over MII to the Ethernet PHY, and on interrupts receives packets from MII. The interrupt service time is short enough so that the input and output can proceed simultaneously. CRCs are computed on-the-fly, but the final CRC check on input has to be performed by another thread. Similarly, on the output side, the output thread has to perform some initial computations prior to passing control to the MII TX thread.

Interaction between LLD and packet manager

The LLD and the packet manager communicate over two channels: an input-channel and an output-channel. Both channels are streaming channels, and the channels must reside within a core. The communication protocol is as follows.

On the input channel, the LLD first expects a word containing a buffer address. It will then fill the buffer with data, and finally transmit a word containing the address of the last word that was filled. The two words above that address contain the number of bits that are valid in the final word, and the partial CRC up until the last word. The LLD then expects a ‘0’ to be transmitted to it, and then the address of the next buffer. There are tight timing constraints: there should be a gap of at least X instructions before sending the ‘0’ word and another gap of at least X instructions prior to sending the next buffer address.

On the output channel, the LLD thread will request a channel by sending a ‘1’ control token. It will then expect a pointer to the end of the packet and an negative number denoting the length of the packet, followed by a ‘1’ control token. The LLD will then send a word denoting the timestamp (measured in 40 ns MMI clock ticks) that the preamble was transmitted, prior to transmitting the packet. It will then wait for the inter-packet gap, and request the next packet using a ‘1’ control token.

Packet buffering management

The packet store comprises two circular buffers, each with free, read, and write pointers. The write pointer points to the head of the buffer, where the next packet (of unknown length) will be inputted. Upon verifying the CRC and the MAC filtering, the write pointer is advanced, making sure that there are at least 1520 bytes free (the maximum packet size). If not, the buffer is denoted full. The free pointer points to the first full packet in the buffer, it is advanced when that buffer is freed (and may be advanced over many packets that have already been freed if they are freed out of order). The read pointer points to the first packet that the application code has not yet used.

Because of the time consumed in checking the CRC and packet filtering, subsequent packets are stored in alternating buffers. Giving the MAC filter maximum time to take a decision.

Interaction between packet management and application code

The packet buffer uses an interrupt to store data into the packet buffer - that is, the write pointer is updated by means of an interrupt. Packets are read out in the same thread, but in the normal control flow, hence the read and free pointers are updated by the normal control flow. The interrupt routine leaves a token in a notification channel if it has done something to a buffer, and the normal control flow should, when it finds that token, inspect the input buffers, deal with data, free any buffers that can be freed, and finally check that any buffer overflow has been resolved by calling miiRestartBuffer()

Server for single threaded MII

In order to simply using the single threaded MII implementation, a module called module_mii_singlethread_server provides a top level interface similar to the 5 thread ethernet MII design.

The top level thread function is called ‘’miiSingleServer’‘. The signature is

void miiSingleServer(clock clk_smi,
out port ?p_mii_resetn, smi_interface_t &smi, mii_interface_t &m, chanend appIn, chanend appOut, chanend connect_status, unsigned char mac_address[6])

The parameters are similar to those used by the 5-thread server. Unlike the 5-thread server, however, only one application is supported, using the appIn and appOut channels. Likewise, only the safe_mac_rx and mac_tx functions are supported by the client library.