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The CAN Phy component provides a thread that interfaces to a transmit and a receive port, and provides a two channel interface for an application thread to transmit and receive packets on this interface.


The thread function for the CAN Phy is called canPhyRxTx. As parameters it takes a receive and a transmit channel to send a recieve packets on. It also takes a clock block, and a transmit and receive port. These should both be one bit ports.

An example of instantiation of the service thread.

on stdcore[0]: port p_can_tx = PORT_CAN_TX;
on stdcore[0]: buffered in port:32 p_can_rx = PORT_CAN_RX;
on stdcore[0]: clock can_clk = XS1_CLKBLK_1;

int main() {
  par {
    on stdcore[0]: canPhyRxTx(c_rx, c_tx, can_clk, p_can_rx, p_can_tx);
  return 0;


For the client, two functions provide the ability to send and receive data.

  • sendPacket
  • receivePacket

Prior to sending a packet, a single unsigned integer should be pushed into the transmit channel, in order to prime the server for the reception of the packet.

Below is a snippet of code that sends a packet to the CAN Phy.

struct CanPacket packet;
packet.ID = 2;
packet.DATA[0] = buttons;
packet.DLC = 1;
outuint(c_tx, 0);
sendPacket(c_tx, packet);

The packet structure can be cleared using the initPacket function, although this is not necessary.

To send a packet using extended addressing, set the EIB bit in the Packet structure to 1.

Prior to receiving a packet from the Phy thread, a single unsigned integer needs to be received from the Rx channel. This unsigned integer can be used to select on a packet being available for reception.

Below is a snippet of code showing reception.

int v;
struct CanPacket packet;
select {
  case inuint_byref(c_rx, v): {
    receivePacket(c_rx, packet);

The case allows the packet reception to be event driven.