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Parsing bit streams

Many I/O interfaces require a bit-stream to be parsed. A simple parser maintains a state, and on every input a state transition is made:

while(...) {
  p :> x;
  state = newstate[state][x];

This method works fine, under two assumptions:

  1. There is enough time to perform the table lookup.
  2. There is enough memory to store the table.

The latter can be a problem if the table is not very dense. For example, if p is an 8-bit port (or an 8-bit buffered 1-bit port), it will result in values between 0 and 255, but only one or two of these values may be legal in any one state. In this case, a large part of the table will be empty, or filled with ERROR states.

There are two other methods to parse a bit stream that avoid the above two problems; a faster method that encodes the state in the code space, and a memory efficient method that uses a hash table.

Encoding the state in code space

In order to encode the state machine in the code space, a {em label} is used to denote each state; an input to obtain data, and a conditional (or computed) branch to perform a state change. For example, the following code has four states, encoding the last two bits of data that have been input on a one bit port:

   in    r1, res[r0]
   bf    r1, S00
   in    r1, res[r0]
   bf    r1, S10
   in    r1, res[r0]
   bt    r1, S11
   in    r1, res[r0]
   bt    r1, S01
   bu    S00

The longest trail of instructions between two subsequent inputs is three, hence this system can parse one bit every three thread cycles. Extra instructions can be added to the code to do something useful on state transactions.

More bits can be parsed at any one time by using a buffered port, for example a 4-bit buffered port that will result in a 4-bit value, where a bru instruction can be used to jump based on that value, and bl instructions to jump to a new state (note that a bl instruction can jump up to 1024 instructions either way). When values are input from a serialising port, the least significant bit is the oldest bit, and the most significant bit input is the most recent bit. Hence, if on a 4-bit port the value 0010 (2) appears, then that means that the port clocked in a ‘0’, a ‘1’, a ‘0’, and a ‘0’. In the state machine we reflect this by jumping to a state S0100:

   IN       r1, r0
   BRU      r1
   BLRF_u10 S0000
   BLRF_u10 S1000 // Input was '1' followed by three times a '0'
   BLRF_u10 S0100 // Input was '0' followed by a '1' and two '0'
   BLRF_u10 S1100 // ...
   BLRF_u10 S1111


   IN       r1, r0
   BRU      r1
   BLRF_u10 S01000000
   BLRF_u10 S01000001
   BLRF_u10 S01000010
   BLRF_u10 S01000011
   BLRF_u10 S01001111

Obviously, extra instructions need to be added to perform operations, and the state space needs to be pruned to avoid unreachable states. For example, one may always expect at least three equal bits in a row, eg patterns such as 00100 are impossible. In this case many of the above states are illegal and can be covered by a single ERROR state.

Note that the BRU instruction jumps over n 16-bit instructions, and that all entries in the jumptable should hence be short instructions. Hence they have been specified as being BLRF_u10 instructions.

Encoding the state transitions in a hash table

The above strategies work fine when small numbers of bits are input at a time. When large numbers of bits are input that contain only few legal sequences, these sequences can be stored in a hash table, and hash function used to perform the state transitions. For example, if a low frequency signal is sampled at a high rate, and the data is buffered into a 32-bit value, the only legal values expected are:


A hashtable can be built containing those values (see Section~ref{section:hash}), this hashtable can contain state values and encode operations to be performed on state transitions:

while(1) {
  p :> x;
  hash = hashValue(x);
  state = newState(state, hash)
  // Operations based on state.

Given that only 64 legal values need to be encoded, a polynomial with 6 or 7 bits will probably do the trick, and all polynomials of 6 and 7 bits can be searched ones in order to create an optimal hash.

Parsing an aligned bit stream by sampling

If a bit stream has a known frequency relative to the XCore (give or take a few percent), then the stream can be parsed by oversampling the data on a port by a factor n, waiting for the start-bit, parse the n/2 th bit, and then every n th bit until the end of the packet.

For example, suppose that we expect a stream of bits at 12.288 Mhz, then we can oversample at 100 Mhz (oversampled by a factor 8.13). Wait for the start bit, and then sample bits 4, 12, 20, 28, 37, 45, 53, 61, etc.

In order to sample those bits, the port is set to buffer 32 bits, and on the first word the bits are masked out using a mask 0x08080808. In the second word, the mask used is 0x04040404, etc. Each mask leaves four recovered bits in four places in the word, and these can be recovered by applying a CRC with a polynomial of +0xf+, which implements a perfect hash onto the last four bits, and a lookup table with 16 elements to recover the 16 possible sampled values:

p when pinsneq(0) :> int _;        // align first bit
p :> word;                         // read first word
fourBits = (word << 4) & 0x80808080;
crc32(fourBits, 0xf, 0xf);         // compress bits
data = lookupCrcF[fourBits];       // recover data
p :> word;                         // read second word
fourBits = (word << 5) & 0x80808080;
crc32(fourBits, 0xf, 0xf);
data = data << 4 | lookupCrcF[fourBits];

Note that rather than using different masks, the same mask is reused on each inputted word, and the input data is shifted. This means that the four sampled bits are always in the same location (bits 7, 15, 23, and 31), and the same lookup table can be used on both the first and the second word. The array to lookup the CRC values should be initialised with the values {8,9,12,13,7,6,3,2,10,11,14,15,5,4,1,0}; the array values depend on the mask, the polynomial, and the initial value chosen.

Note that the above code requires around five instructions for each word; leaving plenty of time for other operations, such as NRZ decoding, or removing stuff bits.

Finding the alignment of a bit stream

If instead of re-aligning a bit stream, it is just important to establish the alignment, then the {em count leading zeroes} instruction comes in useful. A combination of an input followed by a clz() will, in a total of two thread cycles, return the bit number of the first ‘1’ bit that was received. If the first one is required, the input data should be complemented, using clz(~x). The bit reverse instruction can be used to count the number of trailing zeroes: clz(bitrev(x)).