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Using extra registersΒΆ

The XCore has 12 general purpose registers. If this is not sufficient, then it may be possible to use the cp, dp, and sp registers to store a memory address. Although they cannot be used in all instructions, they can be used to efficiently store and retrieve values from memory.

For example, dp can be set to point to the base of an array, and the LDWDP and STWDP instructions can be used to access values in that array. Note that the index has to be constant. cp can be used too, and has the added advantage of allowing a wide range to be indexed with a short instruction. However, there is no instruction to store data relative to cp (as it is meant to point to the constant pool).

The dp, and sp pointers can be advanced using the EXTSP instruction. Note that each thread has its own dp, cp, and sp register, so a thread can safely reappropriate any of those.